We understand. We've read the text books too.
We're confident that our program will give you the added knowledge and confidence to get you over the top. Here is an overview of the types of products we offer.
Video Courses
Pass your test the first time with a comprehensive course that will illustrate exactly the content you need to know. Included with each video course are class notes and a practice final.
class notes are a concise, summarized view of all the testable topics. A highly organized summary so that you can better retain the material on test day.
The practice final contains questions that look more like the real questions.
Downloadable Exam Supplements
A complete description in outline form of all the testable content and the number of questions in each area.
A concise, summarized view of all the testable topics. A highly organized summary so that you can better retain the material on test day.
Our exam with questions that look more like the real questions. Wouldn't it be nice to have piece of mind before you take your exam?
- DOWNLOADABLE EXAM SUPPLEMENTS available separately (video course NOT INCLUDED)
You're not alone. Here is what people like you have said about our products.
Greg B.
"I think your exam was extremely beneficial. I studied the questions and the provided answers the night before and I was amazed at how similar some of the actual test questions were. To be honest, without your material, I don’t know if I would have passed or not. Thanks again! You have a great product"
Andrea D.
"I took your practice final and loved the quick notes. They really helped"
Mike R.
"Thank you so much for all your help with the dreaded 66. Your test was ever so valuable to me. I successfully passed the 66 yesterday with a score of 82 and I do owe it to you. Much of the tips were on the actual exam almost word for word in some cases."
Have a question? Looking for more info? Drop us a line.
Fill out the form below and we'll do our absolute best to help you in any way that we can.
A 125 question Series 7 Practice Exam designed to look more like the real exam.